I Wrote This Because You Are Beautiful
I want to tell you that you're amazing. You have a tremendous amount of courage. You also have a raw passion hidden somewhere deep inside you...
Finding the right words won’t be easy. I always have trouble communicating what’s most important to me. But I’ll do my best.
I want to tell you that you’re amazing.
You’ve been through a lot. You’ve come through what the world would define as hell. And yet, you’re still here.
Not only are you still here, but you’ve gone beyond simple existence, and you’re living. You’re interweaving your life with others’. Do you realize how much courage that takes? It’s simple enough to do — but it would’ve been far simpler to retreat into mere existence and shun every opportunity of connection.
You have a tremendous amount of courage.
You also have a raw passion hidden somewhere deep inside you. Why have you hidden it? I can’t answer that. But the moment I asked the “why,” you felt at least the hint of an answer resonating in your spirit. I can’t answer your “why” — but you can.
You have this fiery energy built up inside of you, just waiting for you to release it. The prospect frightens you, because you already suspect just how much passionate energy is actually there. And you don’t know what it would do if you let it out.
But you, love, were created for passion. You were created with talent, imbued with skill, and gifted with every resource you need to channel and use that passionate energy. You were created to be something that no other person in this world is, has been, or ever will be.
You are talented. You are skilled. You are gifted.
You are beautiful.
You are valuable. You are worth every bit of talent, skill, and beauty that has been poured into you. You are worth taking risks for. You are worth sacrificing for.
You deserve not to stand in your own way.
You are worthy of eliminating the habits that are holding you back. I don’t know what those habits are — but when you read the phrase “habits that are holding you back,” something resonated in your spirit again. You know which of your habits are dampening your passion.
You deserve to ignore the people in your life who belittle you. You deserve to ignore the people in your life who refuse to encourage you. You deserve to ignore the people in your life who tell you — through their words, attitudes, or actions — that you can’t possibly achieve anything beyond the average. Or even the mediocre.
You deserve to treat yourself better than those people treat you. You deserve to treat yourself better than those people treat themselves.
You deserve to surround yourself with people who will not only support you, but also lift you up.
You deserve not to be subject to fear. And the wonderful news is that you aren’t subject to fear.
You do not have to let fear rule over you. You do not have to let fear rule you.
You don’t have to be afraid of what might happen if you released your pent-up passionate energy. You don’t have to be afraid of following the path upon which your natural talents lead you.
You don’t have to be afraid of saying no to the people who try to tear you down. You don’t have to be afraid of saying yes to the people who want to build you up.
You don’t have to be afraid.
Don’t be afraid.
You are beautiful, and you are possessed of tremendous courage.
You are beautiful, and you are possessed of tremendous courage.
You are beautiful, and you are possessed of tremendous courage.
You are worthy of honoring your gifts.
You are worthy of finding your purpose and following it with that pent-up, consuming passion.
You were created to pursue that passionate purpose with all the talents, gifts, and resources at your disposal.
You are meant for wonder.
Go out and do what only you were made to do.
Amazingly, wonderful post! I love it!
Thanks so much, Brandy! I’m so glad you visited. : )
This is without any doubt the most beautiful and encouraging thing I’ve heard in a very long time. Something God must have wanted to say. Cramazing! Thanks for blogging đŸ™‚
Thanks for reading, dahling! And for commenting. I’m so glad I could say something that encourages you. : )
Wow sister. Just wow
Thanks, lady. I think you’re pretty wow too. : )
This is probably the nicest thing anybody has ever said to everybody. Well played.
I play ’em as they’re given me. It doesn’t always come through like this, but if I’ve managed to get myself out of the way this time, I’m glad.
Thanks, Josh. : )
What a beautiful affirmation expanded upon in your post!!
Thank you so much for the encouraging words. I receive them all.
I would say you got over the ‘I have trouble communicating what’s important.’
Nicely done and thank you for sharing.
Tammy, I suppose it’s every writer’s tragic flaw always to feel that their words are inadequate. I hope I’m not alone in feeling that, anyway! Thanks very much for the visit and for your kind words. : )
Yes, we writers always fear that the words we use aren’t enough. But this time you hit it out of the park! Wow! Really lovely writing.
Thank you so much, Pam. It’s good to know when the words of my heart come through clearly. : )
Awww, I was mesmerized upon reading your post. Ohh, I’m such a romantic person at heart..
Thank you, Keisha! I’m very glad your romantic heart enjoyed this. Thanks for letting me know. : )
Thank you for this beautiful gift.
You are more than welcome, dearie. Thank you for listening.
Thank you so much for that! Words really can’t express how it made me feel.
Thank you for visiting and reading, Kelly. I’m so glad to hear that this post blessed you in some way!