Court’s Shorts



They’re bad people doing bad things to worse people. And loving every minute of it.

Faren Adamah, 2nd officer aboard the voidship Lewks Gwheniskos, mutinies — only to awaken on an alien world.
Lovesick and hurting, Dwar watches civilization collapse and discovers he’s capable of murder.
Ruthless artist Ana Vaster glories in her medium of gore.
The genocidal Warlord lashes out at peoples beyond his home dimension.
Medridd is a jealous time traveler destroying everything his lover built.
The Court of the Seven, once a powerbroker in mighty affairs of state, now lies in exile, plotting their homeland’s destruction.
And little Rethana, wild girl of the forest, might be just a mistreated innocent…or a malicious witch in hiding.

Spanning thousands of years within Courtney Cantrell’s Light-Walkers universe, these 23 tales of wile and woe will tantalize, intrigue, and horrify. So root for the heroes…if you can find them. Because these stories are all about the scoundrels. The outlaws. The MALEFACTORS.

The Elven Dead and Other Legends of the Light-Walkers

“Who are you? And who in hells am I?”

The Light-Walkers: an otherworldly people of magic, mystery, and soul-rending purpose.

The Light-Walkers: arrogance, love, desperation, and a fierce determination to protect their magical birthright and their world–even if it means destroying ours.

The Light-Walkers: always elusive, forever unreachable, and yet…among us.

Playful sorcery that brings down nations. The fear factor in a magical venom cocktail. Undead, astral-projecting elves. In five short stories and one novella, Courtney Cantrell offers fresh glimpses into the world she uncovered in Rethana’s SurrenderRethana’s Trial, and The Dying of the Light. New characters, old friends, and base traitors populate this collection. Delve deep and sink your teeth into the marrow of the Light-Walker world. If the dragons don’t grab you, the undead elven soldiers will.

Just don’t turn your back on them.

Buy now for $2.99 on Kindle! (Paperback coming soon!)


For short stories available for free on this blog, click here.

For short-shorts (3-sentence fiction), also for free, click here.


These are my short stories available for purchase:

“Rethana’s Tower”
a Legends of the Light-Walkers short story

  • also appears in short story collection The Elven Dead and in novel The Triad Gate (Light-Walkers Omnibus 1)


Before the rumors of war and conscription by vengeful clerics destroyed her idyllic life in Rethana’s Surrender, Rethana Chosardal lived comfortably as a bellringer’s daughter. With dark times far behind her family and darker times of the future unknown to her, Rethana plays with the magical powers that are her birthright.

And like any willful girl with more power than sense, she gets up to mischief.

A nighttime intruder to her bell tower, intent on mischief of his own, has Rethana more than confident she can stop him. Not just stop him, but humiliate him. Like any proper mischief, though, it won’t be easy. After all, dodging her crotchety great-grandmother and nearly falling to her death aren’t exactly her idea of fun.

But without this one night of magical pranks, the events of Rethana’s Surrender and Rethana’s Trial might never have happened. Read the light-hearted tale that started it all during one moonlit, roguish climb up “Rethana’s Tower.”

Approximately 5100 words.

Buy now for $0.99 at Amazon, or check out for free from the Kindle Owners’ Lending Library.


Sci-Fi / Speculative Fiction

“The Mercy and the Schadenfreude of the Soulless — A Grace and Jack Story”


Jack knows that everybody wants him to leave his wife. After all, Grace is crazy. She’s in a mental institution, and there’s nothing to indicate that she’s ever going to leave. Jack can’t have a normal life with her. Jack can’t have a normal life, period. Divorcing Grace would be best for him…

…and Grace is so preoccupied with her delusions of dimension-jumping and time-travel, she probably wouldn’t even notice that her marriage was over. She’d have her fantasies, and Jack would get his life back.

But there are two tiny, little problems.

Jack loves his wife the way a “man without a country” loves his home.

And he’s not convinced she’s crazy.

Published in Edge of Oblivion ($2.99 on Kindle). All proceeds go to the Cystic Fibrosis Trust.



“If This Were a Stephen King Story”


During a cheery morning jog, expectant mother Tori Haber entertains herself with Stephen-King-esque imaginings. But when a goblin leaps out of a baby carriage in her path and scurries off into an innocent neighbor’s back yard, Tori’s worst fears pale before reality. Thrust into a living horror she couldn’t have imagined, Tori discovers there might not be a way out.

Published in Resistance Front ($0.99 on Kindle). All proceeds go to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

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