The Convergence of Rattlesnakes, Angels, and Corsets
I know. It’s hard to imagine that an artsy culture-geek such as I would be so idealistic as to want to alter even an iota of her environment. But, alas and alack, I’m too air-headed to leave well enough alone. Hence, just over a year ago, I embarked with fellow artsy geeks upon a quest to fiddle with reality until said reality suits us.
This quest, me hearties, operates under the name The Consortium, and I encourage you to read more about it here. The basic premise is that we, the Consortium, want to change the world by supporting artists. Supporting artists supports the arts. Supporting the arts changes the world. And there you have it. Egad, Brain.

Better Than GroupThink
The Consortium has officially existed since November 2010, and this past Saturday, we had our first official function: The First Annual Consortium Arts Fundraiser. This is important because it was the first time all of our artists came together to work on one gigantic project. Much firstness and officialdom!
Over the past year, two writers, an editor, two photographers, a graphic designer, and a project coordinator collaborated to publish three books (one of them is mine, hint hint). ; ) Our director of marketing got us an article in a newspaper. We have multiple other projects in development, involving musicians, computer programmers, copy writers, and voice actors.
We’ve got a passion for producing — everything.
The One Where I Sold Three Paintings
So, we’ve got our fingers in all these yummy, creative pies…but this past weekend was the first time we got into the same pie together. (Ooh La La; Or: This Is Getting Interesting.) We put on a fundraiser: an art contest and silent auction.
And it was CRAMAZING.
We had a life-size rattlesnake sculpture. We had a painting of a world-traveling octopus. The Craftivists, our artsy allies in Topeka, donated a purple lace window illustrating the dangers of corsets. Poetry submissions represented the written arts.

Photographers extraordinaire Julie and Carlos Velez set aside their cameras and entertained us with song by means of ukulele and guitar. Two Consortium members elicited much laughter with a performance of the classic skit “Who’s on First?” And a professional opera singer, whose voice has entertained audiences as far away as Germany and the Philippines, regaled us with “They Call the Wind Maria.”
I don’t know the numbers of how many pieces sold at auction or how many votes were cast for the winning entries of the art contest. But I do know that three of my paintings sold for more than I’d ever hoped to get for any of my art.
(One painting was a portal into an otherworldly realm; another, a larger-than-life lion’s eye; and the third, a translucent angel. Seeing those pieces go to new homes has made my fingers itch without ceasing for my paintbrushes!)

Why You Should Give a Small Rodent’s Posterior
Actually, scratch that. We don’t want donations of rat tushies. For one thing, it would leave too many rats in a rather awkward position. Also, we’re not into maiming animals. (Although there was that incident with the platypus–)
But seriously. Dudes. You should care about all of this because, if you’re reading my blog in the first place, you already have an interest in (the) art(/s). You already care about how art affects the world and how it affects your world.
And the Consortium, my lovely art-lover, is all about affecting your world in wondrous ways. The Consortium is all about enhancing your world, your culture, your life. Our fundraiser was our first collective step from the breathless, anticipatory shadows into the light.
We are here. We are visible. We’re ready to make something happen. We are making things happen. And if you’re reading this, then the ripples are already touching you.
There. You feel that? That’s the first tiny nudge.
Support the artists to support the arts. The Consortium is doing wonders, people — and lemme tell ya, these pies are finger-lickin’ good.
Hi Courtney
“The Convergence of Rattlesnakes, Angels, and Corsets” – now that is one interesting title.
Rattlesnakes scare me to death, not sure if I believe in Angels and corsets…. I only remember because my mum used to wear one. LOL
Absolutery love…
“Why You Should Give a Small Rodent’s Posterior” – I’m just rolling about after reading that line.
Would you mind me using it?
Great writing Courtney – brilliant.
*blushing* Thank you so much, Keith! I don’t mind at all if you use the rodent line — just please send me a link so I can see how you use it! I’m always up for a giggle. ; )
Rattlesnakes scare me, too — but my fascination is greater than my fear, which is not terribly smart of me. I believe in angels, but probably not in what anyone would call a “traditional” sense.
And I do *not* believe in corsets. And I think that if I believe hard enough that corsets do not exist, then all corsets everywhere will cease existing.
P.S. In case you’ve been wondering ; ) I haven’t forgotten my 10-videoblogs commitment — just haven’t gotten enough calm sit-down time to shoot anything!
Love the way you all dressed in a similar but yet still-so-independent fashion!
Patricia, we had great fun with our “uniforms.” ;-D
Great writing and thanks for all your help. Our event was pretty awesome but next year will be even better. And I’m sure your lovelies will want to know about it.
Thanks, Trish! And I agree. This event turned out so much more amazing than I could have hoped for — I have no doubts that next year’s will blow my mind even more! : )