I Like Photos. Let Me Show You It.
The One Where I Lost My Brain
This past weekend, I went oldskool.
I went on a photowalk Saturday night, and I used my “old” (ca. 2001) 35mm camera.
“Oh!” thinks I. “Instead of going to the battery store, I’ll just hop over to Walmart and pick up film for the 35mm! It’d be fun to work with that one again.”
As it turns out, the saga of getting film and then making an extra trip back to Walmart to get a deities-blasted battery for the 35mm was more epic than would’ve been the trip to the battery store. Murphy, you are SO not my fave, dude.
But, in spite of all the trips to The Evil WM Store and in spite of the 100+ºF heat of the summer afternoon, by Saturday evening I finally found myself in Guthrie, Oklahoma, with Amy, Becca, Ryan, Ann, and new acquaintance Kelsey.
We Be-ed Artsy
In case you’re new to the term, a photowalk is a walk on which you go in order to take photos.
Ba-dum ching*.
Amy organized the whole shindig. Kelsey wanted Amy to teach her some new-camera tricks, so Amy invited the rest of us to tag along and be artsy.
So we tagged along and be-ed artsy.
If you’ve been paying attention, you know that I can’t yet share any of my photos with you — since they’re on 35mm film and have yet to be developed and all. But Amy gave me the go-ahead to share a few of her shots, which just goes to show what a totally cramazing person she is.
Photos are click-to-embiggen-able.

Sorry for all the weird frame sizes. I pretend to know what I’m doing with this thing called Com Pewt Errr, but it doesn’t always work out.
Of Skunks, Trespassing, and Dapper Defiance of Death
In-between and all around this awesome artsiness, the following took place:
We wampished** about in alleys,
avoided a weaving sort of fellow in a cowboy hat outside a place called the “Blow Out Club,”
called “here, kitty, kitty” to some animals we belatedly recognized as skunks,
trespassed on private property to take shots on the hood of a fantabulous, ancient, orange Ford truck,
composed an awkward “all-the-girls-grab-each-other” shot,
leapt into the air screaming like banshees,
and ran shrieking toward an oncoming train***.
There were also quite a few that’s-what-she-saids.
That was fun, too. ; )
*This is actually listed in Wiktionary. Oh, the times in which we live.
**I picked this word up I don’t know where, but my notes tell me it’s Scottish dialect for “to wave about or flop to and fro.” I am open to correction on this.
***No photographers were harmed in the making of this photowalk.
I find it fascinating that you mention ‘shrieking’ and ‘screaming’ and ‘calling’ as descriptors of your verbal additions to a decidedly non-verbal art form. Such actions are not necessary for the taking of pictures, nor can I see how they enhance the picture quality other than the mental boost it gives one to express their boldness/terror as the art is made. Perhaps it’s rather like the way people shout ‘hi-ya’ (or some equivalent) before karate-chopping an opponent.
Patricia, we karate-chopped those photo ops into submission like you wouldn’t believe. ;-D
Which reminds me, I still need to get my film developed!