SotU: Birds Carrying Twitterwhales
This is what happens when Twitter is down.
I can’t tweet about the prewriting I’m engaged in.
To post #amwriting here would be rather fruitless.
But here I am, doing it anyway.
My conclusion is that when Twitter goes down, my Spidey senses tell me to go blog something. This is not a bad thing, my dear inklings, as I have been shoulding to blog many somethings that I haven’t done recently. Which is my way of saying that I’ve been neglecting you all recently, and I know it. Mea culpa.
Anyway. When Twitter’s down, I blog.
What about you? What do you do when Twitter’s down? What do you do when Facebook makes more user interface changes than you want to deal with? What do you do when the intarwebz are fritzing?
Oooooh, we could even pretend there’s an apocalypse if you want. What’s your first step?
Tell, tell!
Down, Twitter, down! So cool, old school… Blog and blog some more. We’ll read you, Court. Whales and Twitter birds be damned. Smoke signals even! Tell us a story and we’ll rest our laurels a while by your campfire so that you can transport us far, far away to land of narrative wandering. đŸ™‚
Davis, ’twill be my pleasure, I assure you. Thanks so much, and I promise I’ll keep the stories coming for your delight! Even if I have to resort to Morse code to do it! ; )
Thanks, Court!