Freddy Mercury, Painting, and Ennui
Because I’ve had an icky evening (READ: pregnancy is not for sissies), and I haven’t the fortitude for delving deeply into anything, here are a few thoughts on current events both local and not:
Olympics 2012 Closing Ceremonies
º I know I picked up on the meaning of many of the elements because I’ve spent most of my life in Europe.
º I had no clue of the meaning behind many of the other elements.
º This go-round wasn’t as moving as the Opening Ceremonies, but I still enjoyed watching.
º George Michael could tone down his vibrato a bit, but I was still disappointed that he didn’t sing more than one song.
º The members of the apparently newish boy band whose name I’d never heard of and now can’t recall all look like Justin Bieber.
º Whoever that girl was, she’s no Freddy Mercury.
º The giant puzzle-piece John Lennon face was pretty cramazing.
º Also, regarding the last Olympic event I watched this morning: Basketball players are quite tall.
º I didn’t work on the Rethana’s Surrender sequel this weekend.
º Friday night, I woke up at 4:30am and didn’t go back to sleep until 7:30am. (Yes, I still count that as Friday night. Hush.) At 5:30am, my brain delivered the first line of a new sci-fi short story: “The joke was sleek, fast, and deadly.” And in the next sentence, a woman dies a particularly bloody death.
Accordingly, with the little time I had Saturday morning, I started writing the story. I wrote more than a page. I’m still not sure just what The Story of the story is, but the title shall be “The Joke’s on Us.”
If I can’t figure out where it’s going, the joke will definitely be on me.
º I’m also feeling an urge toward poetry. It’s been a long time since I’ve written any, and I suspect I’m overdue. Once upon a time, I wrote 15-20 poems per year. Now, I might do two. That’s what happens when you turn yourself into a fulltime novelist, I guess. But I shouldn’t neglect the poetic aspect of writing. It affects the noveling in good ways. I shouldn’t forget that.
º Multiple times per day, I check Twitter and Facebook.
º I don’t know if I’m just desensitized or dejected or what, but recently, my internal reaction to both media has been, “I’m bored.”
º Recently, my internal reaction to the intarwebz has been, “I’m bored.”
º Lest you think this were a reaction to my commitment to blogging every day — as in, I’m blogging every day and so am simply dazed with the amount of time I’m spending online — I’ve had ennui regarding the internet for quite awhile now. There just doesn’t seem to be much to do online.
º Maybe this is a feeling I need to follow. I would certainly get more writing done if I did.
º I miss painting. I’ve had a concept in mind for a painting for over a year, and what with cover art and other projects, I haven’t had time to put that idea to canvas.
º Now, considering the 8-months-pregnant tummy, I can’t sit down to paint anymore. And I’m too tired to stand up to paint.
º So will I ever get to paint this picture I have in mind?
º Since I haven’t been able to paint, I’ve been playing with my phone camera and self-portraits. I leave you with one of my current favorites. Please do click to embiggen for the details!