I can fit my whole fist in my mouth (weirdness + #amwriting update)
Odd ramblings, dumb huamn tricks, and a novel-writing update! Bazinga!
Me: I would seriously throw up if I had to remove somebody’s eyeball. Makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about it.
Ed: Don’t think about it. You won’t have to do it anytime soon.
Me: I might. There could be a zombie apocalypse and somebody could have a tumor in their eye.
Ed (in Schwarzenegger voice): It’s not a tumah.
Ed: I hate that story.
Me: What? “The Three Little Kittens”? Why?
Ed: Because I’ve read it about a million times!
Me: Well, the good news is, I can still fit my whole fist in my mouth.
Ed: I… what? Why are you–? Your whole fist?
Me (with enthusiasm): Uh-huh!
Ed: But…what are you doing, just sitting in here all by yourself, stuffing your fist in your mouth?
Me (with enthusiasm): Uh-huh!
Ed: But…I…okay. (walks out)
In the car….
Toddler (from backseat): I need a pah*!
Me: You don’t need one right now. It’s not naptime.
Toddler: I need a pah!
Me: No, not right now.
Husband and I converse for several minutes. Suddenly–
Toddler (singing to tune “Wheels on the Bus”): A baby in a bus say, I need pah, I need pah, I need pah. A baby in a bus say, I need pah, all through the town.
Me: Well, that’s the most passive-aggressive thing I’ve ever heard.
In other news,
my January progresseth apace with editing every moment I get.
Legacy (Legends of the Light-Walkers #3) (working title) is still underway: I’ve finished Draft 0.1-1.5 (I’ve lost track of which version this actually is by now) and am now in the throes of editing and rewriting based on feedback from three beta-readers. Since all three know what they’re doing, I have my work cut out for me. I’ll write a more comprehensive Writing Life update soon.
Also, I really can fit my whole fist in my mouth. Cheers.