In Which Pregnancy and Car Wrecks Don’t Mix
A little less than two days ago, I had what was probably the scariest experience of my life. At 36 weeks pregnant, I was involved in a car accident….
A little less than two days ago, I had what was probably the scariest experience of my life. At 36 weeks pregnant, I was involved in a car accident….
Last week, I talked about having “good” days and “bad” days and what those qualifiers might mean when applied to our concept of “day.” Well, by most people’s standards, my last 29 hours probably deserve the designation of “bad day.” Although it’s over now and I am emotionally okay about it, I certainly wouldn’t enjoy …
READING! And BOOKS! MANY BOOKS! Come and see them!
Hey y’all. It’s been a rough weekend pregnancy-wise. You probably won’t hear anything coherent from me until tomorrow. Or mayhap Tuesday. I didn’t get much accomplished this weekend, and I might be doing ketchup catch-up over the next few days. Play nice! Oh, and 36 weeks, 1 day, and counting if you were wondering. ; …
Once upon a time, I started keeping a list of “rules” that required a written record. And so begins my public sharing of it….
The title pretty much says it all, but I’ll give you a hint: There were snails.
Hey there, dearly beloved, I have no idea when I first ran across the two sites (links are below) that inspired and informed this blogpost. I only know that both resonated with me enough that I tucked them away for future reference. Their content is of the Things That Make You Go Hmmm variety, so …
Because I’ve had an icky evening (READ: pregnancy is not for sissies), and I haven’t the fortitude for delving deeply into anything, here are a few thoughts on current events both local and not: Olympics 2012 Closing Ceremonies º I know I picked up on the meaning of many of the elements because I’ve spent …
The title says it all.
Anybody else out there a compulsive doodler? Me, I can’t listen well without a pen in my hand. Here’s a great video on learning through doodling, as well as some shots of my own random doodles!