10 Free Blog Post Ideas to Use as Thou Wilt
Today, my luvs, I shall list 10 blog post titles. These titles are for you. You may use them however you like. It would mega-cramazing if, when you use them, you'd link back to me so I can come read what you wrote in response to my titles. If you don't link back to me, I will send my legion of Evil Elves to tattoo "I'm a nerd" on your forehead.

Or: In Which I Have Way Too Much Fun Taking Screenshots of Twitter
Apparently, dear inklings, I am in listing mode. By which I do not mean that I am a boat. But I do mean that I’m currently (ha! ha!) about writing lists.
LISTS! YES! Give me list-ery, or give me death!
I don’t know what just happened.
Anyway. Last week, I listed 33 Questions. On Tuesday, I listed 10 Novel-Writing no-nos. (Don’t do those no-nos, or cute things all the way on the other side of the universe will die.) Yesterday on Unstressed Syllables, I listed a googolplex of writing inspirations.
Today, my luvs, I shall list 10 blog post titles. These titles are for you. You may use them however you like. It would mega-cramazing if, when you use them, you’d link back to me so I can come read what you wrote in response to my titles.
If you don’t link back to me, I will send my legion of Evil Elves to tattoo “I’m a nerd” on your forehead.
So here ya go. Have at it, and have fun!
10 Blog Post Ideas for My Readers
(That was the first one.)
The following two titles resulted from a Twittersation with one Dean Carlton (@DinoCarlton), which went something like this:
All of which inspired this post you’re reading right now and leads me to the next two blog post title ideas:5 Ways to Edify the Twitter Kitchen
101 Ways to Wok the Twitter-Bird
Moving right along…
The Blogging Habits of 13th-Century Monks
How to Please Everyone on the Internet (Even Your Mom)*
All Dressed Up and No Place to Blog
50 Ways to Leave Your Blogger
Why Grocery Shopping Is the 9th Circle of Hell
Fruit Flies Like a Banana
Subtitled: And Other Linguistic Shenanigans
When Good Velociraptors Go Bad
And there you got it, sugar. Ten blog post ideas to vex, befuddle, and inspire you. No substitutions, exchanges, or refunds. And please do let me know how you make use of these!
Ooooh! And if you have some fun blog post titles of your own to share, list ’em in the comments! ;oD
*For the record, I don’t actually believe it’s possible to please everyone, on the Internet or otherwise. But I’d love to see a whopping sarcastic post to go with this title. ; )
Photo credit Julie V. Photography.
LOL, love it! :o)
It obviously WAS an inspiring day for you, Court!
I also had a few ideas for REAL posts following the twit-chat/twittersation we had – one of which I posted today actually (the link with your [post being ‘The Cookery Book Game’).
I reckon this could be a great way for twitter-storming new ideas – how about starting a new hashtag? #writersblockhelp or #posttitleideas for example. Remember, you saw them here first! 😉
Here’s another couple:
– Caught Between a Blog and a Hard Place
– A Tale of Two Bloggers
– Eat, Pray, Blog: One Woman’s Search for Everything Across Internet, iPad and iPhone
Take care.
Ha! Yes, Dean, it was definitely an inspiring day for me. You need to voice such predictions more often! I’ll let you know the next time I have writer’s block. ; )
I really like your “Caught Between a Blog and a Hard Place” title. I’m envisioning a post from a blogger who’s disillusioned and wanted to quit social networking…or maybe faced with the choice between blogging and other forms of writing…. Hmmmm…
I can’t wait to see what posts you come up to go with some of those titles up there! : )
Silly me, forgot to say it was lovely being mentioned in todays post – my first as far as I know!
I’m honoured – thanks a lot! :o)
Oh, and cheekily, the article YOU inspired during that twittersation is here: Is your consultant providing value – or an albatross?.
Hope you (and your readers) get further inspiration by your post! Or at the very least, contribute some more suggestions.
I’ll see what I can do with your other titles myself…..
And you are quite welcome for the (cheeky) mention. Now I’m off to read the post I inspired!
I like The Blogging Habits of 13th-Century Monks and 50 Ways to Leave Your Blogger …I might take you up on these 🙂
Dino, please do! I would love to read what you come up with. Please don’t forget to send me a link! And thanks so much for taking time to comment. : )