This is why I should stay off of Pinterest.
In which I get too intimate with my smartphone.
In which I get too intimate with my smartphone.
Hidey-ho, y’all, Today, I bring you a guest post from my friend and fellow Kindle All-Stars writer, Tony Healey. Tony’s got a great, easy way for you to help out a little girl with cystic fibrosis. Well worth the minute or two! Here’s Tony to tell you more: TONY: At the beginning of this year …
And now, combining horror and romance in three sentences….
“Rethana’s Tower,” my newest fantasy short story, is available for purchase! Come read and find out what really happened the night Dav and the guys broke into Rethana’s bell tower.
; )
Today, I bring you radioactive spiders, killer watermelon clowns, and a brand-spankin’-new fantasy story. Guess which one of those is really a thing. đŸ˜‰
Are olives fruit? And other brief shenanigans….
In case you hadn’t noticed, I’ve been rather absent from my blog for the last two months. This is due to writing, a golden anniversary, and plot-pantsing — which, according to Google, I just made up. BANGERANG. So come find out about that! Also, there’s a blog-hop.
So, I log on to my blog today and find that it’s been over a month since I posted. I blame Bernard Schaffer. Long story VERY short, Bernard issued me a writing challenge, and I am doing my blurglemamjufloobelschnitzenest to face that challenge head-on and blast it into submission. I’ve got two major short stories …
UPDATE: Rethana’s Surrender, Rethana’s Trial, Colors of Deception, Shadows after Midnight, and Stains of Grace are once again live at Amazon. And the reviews for R’S TRIAL and STAINS have transferred. HALLELUJAH! Hopefully, the other books’ reviews will transfer soon. (Draft2Digital has notified me that I shouldn’t be surprised if it takes a week or …