In Which Pregnancy and Car Wrecks Don’t Mix
A little less than two days ago, I had what was probably the scariest experience of my life. At 36 weeks pregnant, I was involved in a car accident….
A little less than two days ago, I had what was probably the scariest experience of my life. At 36 weeks pregnant, I was involved in a car accident….
Well, by most people’s standards, my last 29 hours probably deserve the designation of “bad day.” Although it’s over now and I am emotionally okay about it, I certainly wouldn’t enjoy repeating the sequence of events that started this “day” (i.e. 29-hour period) off as “bad.”
Come back tomorrow, and I’ll tell you about it.
Oh, and lest anyone panic: The baby is just fine. : )
READING! And BOOKS! MANY BOOKS! Come and see them!
Hey y’all. It’s been a rough weekend pregnancy-wise. You probably won’t hear anything coherent from me until tomorrow.
Or mayhap Tuesday. I didn’t get much accomplished this weekend, and I might be doing ketchup catch-up over the next few days.
Play nice!
Oh, and 36 weeks, 1 day, and counting if you were wondering. ; )
Get your Advance Reading copy of my friend and fellow author Joshua Unruh’s noir Viking fantasy Sage of the Myth Reaver: Downfall!
I have a new thing about bananas. Let me show you it.
Sometimes, I get very angry with politicians and politics. This is one of those times. If you don’t want to read any more about Rep. Todd Akin or his definition of rape, you probably shouldn’t read this post.
The purpose of a book review is to tell other readers why they would or wouldn’t enjoy reading a particular book. Here are five points I think go into writing an effective review….
Okay, so I’d hoped to blog today on how to write an effective book review. Sadly, I didn’t get to it. So, instead, here’s a piece of intarwebz currency. Enjoy. : )
fellow blogger recently reminded me of the following: a “poem” that circulates around the intarwebz under the title “Anyway” and is generally attributed to Mother Teresa. After doing some research, I discovered that the original was penned by one Kent M. Keith and entitled “The Paradoxical Commandments”….