Why I Believe I’m Created to Create
What does “created to create” mean, anyway? Why is it important? What does it have to do with writing? Today I’m discussing how the spiritual relationship with words helps define the writing life.
What does “created to create” mean, anyway? Why is it important? What does it have to do with writing? Today I’m discussing how the spiritual relationship with words helps define the writing life.
Today, we’re looking at correct spelling and grammar by way of moths, lightning, and cat pee! Yay!
My latest novel, fantasy epic Rethana’s Surrender (Legends of the Light-Walkers, #1) is officially out and available for purchase! In today’s post, I talk about where Rethana’s universe began and how a visit to a German Christmas market inspired her story.
The offer for Advance Review Copies of my fantasy novel Rethana’s Surrender is now closed. But if you click through here, you can see the book’s incredible cover art!
Love reading fantasy? Needing a novel to read and maybe review? Check out the Advance Reading Copy of my newest novel, Schism’s Daughter!
It is my pleasure to recommend to you the Kickstarter campaign for author Aaron Pogue’s The Dragonprince’s Heir (Book 3 in The Dragonprince Trilogy). Come see the great arts-, book-, and fantasy-related rewards you can earn by contributing to this project!
This message is brought to you by the letter “P”! As in, PAPERBACK! As in, I wanted to let you know that we’re close to having the paperback of Stains of Grace ready. : )
A marital horror incident of epic proportions. In mine own living room. Read at your own risk.
Come read about my friend and fellow author Becca J. Campbell’s debut novel Foreign Identity — and win a free copy!
Today, I share with you some recent revelations I’ve had concerning pregnancy. I’ve concluded that humanity speaks in code about this, and one doesn’t get to decipher said code until one enters the state of being with child. I’ve decided to reveal five of the secrets to you, that you might be better prepared for your own future or at least come to a deeper understanding of certain apparently crazy women of your acquaintance…