Today’s LOL at Myself
Sometimes, my errors make me laugh at myself. Sometimes, my friends help. : )
Sometimes, my errors make me laugh at myself. Sometimes, my friends help. : )
My latest novel, fantasy epic Rethana’s Surrender (Legends of the Light-Walkers, #1) is officially out and available for purchase! In today’s post, I talk about where Rethana’s universe began and how a visit to a German Christmas market inspired her story.
The offer for Advance Review Copies of my fantasy novel Rethana’s Surrender is now closed. But if you click through here, you can see the book’s incredible cover art!
Love reading fantasy? Needing a novel to read and maybe review? Check out the Advance Reading Copy of my newest novel, Schism’s Daughter!
Today, I share with you some recent revelations I’ve had concerning pregnancy. I’ve concluded that humanity speaks in code about this, and one doesn’t get to decipher said code until one enters the state of being with child. I’ve decided to reveal five of the secrets to you, that you might be better prepared for your own future or at least come to a deeper understanding of certain apparently crazy women of your acquaintance…
Hello, my lovelies. In case you hadn’t noticed, I spent November firmly and happily ensconced in this year’s National Novel Writing Month, abbreviated to NaNoWriMo for your convenience. NaNoWriMo is the manic, overcaffeinated, unpaid, underslept, head-desking, face-palming, keyboard-hammering, plot-bunnying, ninja-zombieing, annual November endeavor of hundreds of thousands of writers world-wide, each writing their own 50,000-word …
Ladies and gentlehobbits, I present to you: A Consortium of Worlds, Vol. 1 (Fall Issue)!
This is the first issue of the new Consortium Books quarterly, speculative fiction, short story e-magazine for Kindle and Nook. If you don’t know what spec fic is, just think sci-fi and fantasy with, in our case, a little dash of steampunk and mythology thrown in. It’s a yummy stew of otherwordly writerliness, and, as you might have guessed, I highly recommend a generous helping! My ingredient for this recipe comes in the form of a high fantasy short story….