Advance Reading Copy of Rethana’s Surrender!
Love reading fantasy? Needing a novel to read and maybe review? Check out the Advance Reading Copy of my newest novel, Schism's Daughter!

NOTE: Some of you have been expecting this book to come out under the title Schism or Schism’s Daughter. After much debate and debacle, my publisher, our marketing director, and I have finalized the title as Rethana’s Surrender. But it’s still the same story, I promise! : )
Dearest readers!
As you might already know, my newest novel is coming out within the next two weeks! This one is epic fantasy: another world, magic, intrigue, danger, swords, and fantastical creatures. I’ve been writing stories in this universe for twenty years, and this particular novel has been in the works since 2003.
So you can probably imagine how close this story is to my tender little writer’s heart. ; )
But in spite of my possessiveness, I am excited to let you read it. Early. As in, before it’s published.
That’s right, dear inklings! I have Advance Reading Copies available!
If you’d like to get an ARC of Rethana’s Surrender, leave a comment (with a valid email address) on this post before the end of the day Wednesday, June 20th. You don’t need to say anything besides, “Me too, please!” in your comment — unless, of course, you want to tell me how excited you are to get your ARC. : )
I only have digital copies available, but they should be readable on whatever you’re using to read this blog post. On Thursday, I’ll send review copies to the first hundred people who comment below. All I’d ask in return is that you write me a review at the digital vendor(s) of your choice. Blog posts are welcome too, of course.
Aaron is going to send his horde of fantasy readers over here to get their ARCs from me, so get your bid in early!
For those of you who want to know a little more about the novel:
Legends of the Light-Walkers: Rethana’s Surrender is the story of 20-year-old Rethana Chosardal who can use fun and visually cool magic, but she’s not supposed to use it. For one thing, it freaks the natives out. For another, her family has spent the last ten years in hiding from the ruling class of magic-wielding clerics.
When the magic-wielding clerics show up and take Rethana and her sister captive, this is not a good thing.
Also, Aaron recommends that I tell you: In grand The Princess Bride tradition, *this is a kissing book*.
Finally, a shout-out to Adele Lorienne for the lovely cover art that completely blows my mind every time I look at it. Adele, thank you for your stunning work!
UPDATE: The ARC request deadline has passed. But if you want to get your hands on a copy of Rethana’s Surrender, it is now available for purchase at Amazon and Barnes & Noble!
If you’ve read the novel, you can also post your reviews at those two links as well as at Goodreads.
To those who have already read and reviewed the novel: THANK YOU SO MUCH! I very much appreciate all of your positive feedback so far. It’s encouraging to hear that so many of you connect with Rethana as deeply as I do. : )
I want one!! I’ve been excited to read this ever since I first heard little clues that you were creating it!
Me me me! Am I the first? Puh leeeeese me! You have my email address. Kindleallstars at gmail dot com
Drat! Hesitated and came in second. ;o)
Me, please! Me, Please! me, Please!!!
Looking forward to a ARC … please 🙂
I would also like an ARC. Thanks
Oh, me! I would love one.
Thank you!
I am intrigued. I would not turn down the opportunity to obtain an ARC of you new novel.
Hi, Courtney! If I’m not too late, may I please get an ARC of your novel? I love the look of the cover. Thanks.
Saw the update. I look forward to your email! Thanks.
Saw Aaron’s post, so let me say “me too, please” 🙂
me too please
I would love a copy of this. If it’s from an author that inspired Aaron, it HAS to be good!
Apparantly I got an email AFTER reading this, so please disreguard my request. I got put on the list through Aaron’s offer. 😀 (don’t want to take it from someone else if im already able to get a copy) can’t wait to read it!!
I can hardly wait to read it, Courtney! Thanks for the opportunity.
I want one! I like your other stuff and I can’t wait to read it!
me too please 🙂
I would love a copy. Thanks.
I would would love to check out your work. Aaron Pogue sent me here, so it’s got to be good.
“Me, Too, Please!” I will love to read your new
book…sounds wonderful.
I would like a copy please. I was sent here by Aaron Pogue
Me too, please! Thanks! Andreas
“Me too. Please!” Per Aaron’s suggestion I too would love to read your book. Thank you for the opportunity.
Count me in
“Me too Please!” 🙂
Read the blog post (linked from Aaron Pogue’s Facebook), excited to get into Courtney’s books 🙂
Id love to out
Based on Aaron’s glowing recommendation, I very much look forward to reading your new book!
Me too please!!
I would love to read it!
I thought I made it in time but I guess not off by a couple minutes.
I want one too… Am I still on time? Looks promising!
me too please, if i’m not to late…
Hi, I havn’t read any of your work before but I have heard good things and am looking forward to the book when its available.
I would love to check you out…
Thank you
are you doing 100 copies or just till midnight the 20th?
would love one please
Better late than never, please include me in the ARC. Thanks!
I’d love a copy if you have more of them left. Thank you.
me too please!!
I would love a copy please. I’m dying for what is sure to be a great read. Thanks and best of luck with your book.
Whew. Just finished the 3rd Demons of Saltmarch on my Kindle and followed a link at the end to here. So excited that you decided to extend the ARC offer! Yes PLEASE!
Hello. It just turned to June the 25th in Pakistan, but sadly I just read about the advance reading copies. I know that it might be a little too late, but can I also get a copy? I would really appreciate the gesture.