Protected: “i’m free! i’m free!” *immediately falls into hole*
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
This was going to be a handwritten entry in my journal, but I think it will cause more beneficial ripples if I put it here. The blogging format will unavoidably alter what I say and how I say it, but that might not be a bad thing. Maybe I’ll know for sure 20 years from …
Well, my latest book is in the hands of its first beta reader, so I might as well make an official proclamation: MY LATEST BOOK IS IN THE HANDS OF ITS FIRST BETA READER *bells, whistles, trumpets* … *alarms, sirens, klaxons* This one happens to be my very first nonfiction book. It’s kind of the …
Once again, it’s been a hot minute since I’ve blogged. Is that still a thing? Can minutes still have temperature? Or is that just slang of the Olds? For someone who spends as much time on the internet as I do, I am not current on slang among the kiddos. On the other hand, I …
LONG story short, Elfled’s story is out in the world. Considering how much I love her and what I went through to get her here, I truly am not doing her justice. Sorry, Elfled. But I missed the window of making this post part of my all-too-brief book launch, so we’ll have to content ourselves …
I’m working on an Atheism for Lent book. It’s slow going, but it’s one of the best brain teasers I’ve engaged with in a long time. I’m having a blast. I’m currently writing a chapter on Jean-Luc Marion and his ideas of “experience” and “concept.” And I swear that sometime already this year, I have …
“Let me tell you why you’re here. You’re here because you know something. What you know you can’t explain, but you feel it. You’ve felt it your entire life, that there’s something wrong with the world. You don’t know what it is, but it’s there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It …
These statements are not comprehensive and are subject to revision at my whim. I frequently don’t know what I think about something until I have verbalized it either in writing or in spoken words. These statements are part of my attempt to figure out where I stand on ALL THE THINGS and how to quantify …