INCOMING: a book announcement
Well, my latest book is in the hands of its first beta reader, so I might as well make an official proclamation:
*bells, whistles, trumpets* … *alarms, sirens, klaxons*
This one happens to be my very first nonfiction book. It’s kind of the book that has been in the back of my mind for well over a decade — but it has taken shape in a way that I never would have dreamed a decade ago. Or even five years ago.
It’s a book about my journey as a human: through pain and joy, specifics and generalities, faiths and doubts, pitfalls and possibilities, proper location in space & time and paradigm shifts. It’s also a book about Atheism for Lent, the yearly 40-ish-day-long practice brainchilded and hosted by Dr. Peter Rollins: through philosophy, theology, theism, atheism, unanswerable question that insist on being answered, mysticism and humanism, drive and desire and demand, feminism, patriarchy, the heat death of the universe, dialectic and the death of God, resurrection, salvation, and the κόσμος.
The working title of this tome is APPETITE FOR PARADOX. (I hope you read that hearing the flourish.) This title is subject to change frequently without notice.
At this point, the entire thing is a glorious doorstop of a book, and I am hoping for my first beta to give me plenty of feedback on what I can safely but mercilessly slice.
Also, I expect that this beta and all other betas and gammas and, eventually, all readers already familiar with my work will read this book and say either: “this is the best thing you’ve ever written, we applaud you” or “this is the worst thing you’ve ever written, we think you’re a horrible person, how could you.”
I hold no hope for a middle ground. This is going to turn out either frabjously amazeballs or utterly disastrous.
Publication date is…not even tentatively set yet. I am hoping for the end of the year at the latest…or by the day before Lent 2025 at the very latest. But it all depends on many factors beyond my control (including my health and other people’s schedules), so I can make no promises at this point.
So. Onward and downward. *kiss kiss*
(This is not a kissing book.)