Taming Fire
My friend Aaron Pogue's first epic fantasy novel, Taming Fire, is now available for purchase on Kindle!!!
Greetings, inklings! I hail you today from the great land of Moo Vingto House. I’m currently traveling through the province of Pain Ting Kit Chen, where blogging time is most horridly limited. So, instead of a blog post today, I give you an announcement:
Taming Fire is the story of Daven Carrickson, this beggar kid who has finally found a good place in life. He’s got a home and friends and some pretty cool dreams. All is pretty much well with his world.
Then this somewhat bumbling wizard shows up and messes everything up.
From there, it’s magic and plots and irate kings and vengeful soldiers and, here and there, psychopaths. Lemme tell ya, psychopaths who can do magic are a pretty freaky lot. Oh, and to top it all off, there’s a ginormous black dragon who has it in for Daven. But you’ll have to read the book to get the hows and whys of that.
Aaron’s book is a fun, fast-paced read with a main character you can’t help but root for. I highly recommend it to any fan of epic or even just sword & sorcery fantasy. Aaron does the genre justice — and also plays with the conventions in some pretty interesting ways. But there again, you’ll have to read it to find out how. ; )
Oh, and one more thing.
You see the image of the cover up there? (I hope you clicked to embiggen it, because it’s made of awesome.)
The one with the two wizards and the dragon?
The freakishly scary black dragon?
I totally painted that.
; )
So buy your Kindle version of Taming Fire now!
Cover art trade dress by Amy Nickerson.
Thanks to Julie V. Photography and Simon Hurst Photography for providing a digital image of my oil painting.
Your painting is beautiful! I’m downright envious of your artistic ability. Congrats on the cover!
Aw, thanks, Anna! It was a great experience for me — I learned a lot!
Seeing as how a dragon was one of the first pieces of your art I was ever privileged to see, I highly approve!!
Thanks, Patricia. : ) Yes, that dragon you saw was my 2nd or 3rd oil painting ever! But that one was highly stylized. Trying to paint a “realistic” one proved far more difficult! I’m glad you approve!