Of Figs and the 9th Circle of Hell
a few days ago I was tooling around in Google Analytics again, and I thought to myself, "Self, you really should write another blog post about keywords again, because that was just rockin' awesome fun," and myself replied, "Heck YEAH." So. Here are a few recent keyword phrases that have led people to my blog. Some of them make sense. Some of them, like haiku about refigerators*, do not....
Okay, yes, most of the time. And nerdery happens on this blog pretty much all of the time. This post about Google Analytics is a good example.
I had an awfully cramazing good time with that post, and a few days ago I was tooling around in Google Analytics again, and I thought to myself, “Self, you really should write another blog post about keywords, because that was just rockin’ awesome fun,” and myself replied, “Heck YEAH.”
So. Here are a few recent keyword phrases that have led people to my blog. Some of them make sense. Some of them, in the timeless tradition of haiku about refigerators* ***, do not. But I am going to answer them anyway. Because that’s just the kind of sweet, kind, helpful person I am. Booyah.
Six Keyword Searches…
…in order of my amusement:
1. three creative sins
Not sure what we’re talkin’ about here, y’all. If it’s three sins in creativity, how’s about this?
- Letting other people tell you how to be creative.
- Telling yourself “I’m not good enough to (insert creative activity here).”
- Neglecting to hone your craft.
If it’s creatively-executed sins you’re looking for, this might not be the blog you’re looking for.
(Email me.) ; )
2. what is the german word for “here”
The German word for “here” is “hier.”
BANGERANG. Next question.
3. what to write on my first blog post?
Most importantly: WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS? Why are you blogging? Why do you care? This is pretty much The Question you should answer for yourself before you even write that first blog post. If you do that, you’ll forge a connection with your readers before you even have any. Readers, that is. I know this is very meta, but trust me, I’m an expert**.
4. why are short stories short?
Because they’re not long?
Because they’re not novels?
Because short story cat is short story?
It’s because of reasons.
5. why grocery shopping is the 9th circle of hell
Shopping carts in parking spaces. Packed aisles. Twenty-five cash registers and only 3 checkers. Sugar cookies jumping out at you from every endcap. The woman in bunny slippers, curlers, and a see-through blouse. The guy at the meat counter who turns to you with wide, shining eyes and says, “Have you tried this ground chuck? You should try this ground chuck!”
I really don’t think I need to elaborate on this.
6. writing a story about court
You’re writing a story about ME? You are fantabulous! I love you! You are my new favorite person for the next ten minutes! Do I get a superpower? Oooooh, can I be telekinetic? And have vorpal unicorn morphing powers? I wouldn’t mind a teleporting ability, too, since I’ve kind of been wanting to go to Australia lately. Thanks!
* I misspelled “refrigerator” as I was writing this post. I happened to be writing this post while at Consortium Time. I turned to Aaron and Becca and said, “I need someone to write a sci-fi story about a device that regenerates figs. It would be called a ‘refigerator.'”
They were not amused.
Although Becca said I had her until “figs.”
** Also, I seem to be a pathological liar.
*** Jessie mentioned haiku this week, which is why Japanese poetry is so randomly present in this blog post. Gadzooks, Brain.
You amuse me, Court.
Good idea for blog topics. I’ve been sadly neglecting Analytics (the same way I did the blog.) But now you have me curious. To quote Balki, “Where do you come up with them?” *insert huge hand gestures*
Yay Balki! LOL Thanks, Bex. And you’ve got my empathy. My readers will tell you that I’ve been in a blogging slump lately, too. I didn’t stop blogging, but I think the tone of my posts shows that I haven’t been as into it the last six weeks or so. Google Analytics, my trusty friend, tells me that the readers have noticed, because the numbers have dropped. I think another contributing factor is that I stopped asking questions at the end of posts. Guess it’s time to pique the peeps’ interest again. ; )