#KindleAllStars: The Punk Rock of Literature
Kindle All-Stars El Presidente Bernard Schaffer calls us indie authors "the punk rock of literature." My fellow punk rocker, Tony Healey, has conducted interviews with the rest of the troupe, so that you, my dear inklings, can get to know us all better....
Hello, my lovelies–
If you’ve been paying attention (and I know you have, because that’s just the sort of conscientious dears you are), you know that I’ve gotten involved with the Kindle All-Stars: Resistance Front project.
In case you got distracted by something shiny (which could cause a slight wavering of your attentiveness): The Kindle All-Stars: Resistance Front project aims to showcase indie authors in a speculative fiction anthology, while doing something cramazing, like, oh, donating all of the anthology’s proceeds to charity.
This really flips my bangerang switch. It also swings my verge. Especially since I get to be part of it.
You, my dearest inklings, already know quite a bit about me, if you’ve been following my bloggèd ramblings (see parenthetical content of first paragraph). You might not, however, know anything about any of the other authors whom Kindle All-Stars El Presidente Bernard Schaffer dubs “the punk rock of literature.”
To help you get to know everyone better, punk rocker Tony Healey has engaged in a copious amount of interviewing of the rest of the troupe. He’s publishing all of the interviews on his blog; for your convenience, they are all listed right here.
As I’m re-checking the interview posting schedule Tony sent out to all of us, I see that my interview is up for publication tomorrow. So I guess this blog post coulda waited ’til then. But there’s nothing like getting word out early, right? Or late, from other punk rockers’ perspective. *sigh* Well, anyway, I’ll post the link to my interview when it goes live tomorrow.
In the meantime, head over to Tony’s blog to find out the whos and whats of my fellow indie punk rockers!
I just had to say that the alt text for your pic sounds like a comic book sound effect.
LOL That is made of awesome.