valentine nuttiness
Happy Valentine’s Day, inklings.
I say that a bit tongue-in-cheek. The husband and I do cards and sort-of flowers: He brings them home, gives them to me, and then they live in the bathroom behind closed doors because Pippin thinks they’re her salad. Some years we go out on a Valentine’s date, but it doesn’t always work out. Especially since there’s now a kiddo involved. 😉
Me, I can’t quite get past the origins of Valentine’s Day, which have nothing to do with romance and everything to do with death. Even so, I still like to have fun with it. So, in the spirit of that, here are some of my poetic Valentine’s Day tweets from this morning. Just goofy stuff, but I hope they give you a chuckle. Some feature favorite movie and TV characters!
Courtney’s Twitter-Ode to Romance
Roses are red
Violets aren’t blue
I think you’re cute
Here, have a gnu
Roses are red
Cat noses pink
Cats don’t care about
Valentines, I think
Roses in bed
Breakfast in vases
Makes for the very
Oddest of cases
Roses blood-red
Spiders can bite
Here’s to delicious
Halloween frights
Wait, what?
Noses are red
Fingers are cold
This winter weather
Is getting so old
Except here in Oklahoma, where we’re having spring temps
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Just like your fingers
I chopped up for stew
Roses are red
Star Wars is cool
Scrappy young Rey
Ain’t nobody’s fool
Roses are red
Star Trek is neat
Riker likes Troi
So he turns on the heat
Roses are red
Thor wants “ANOTHER!”
Gets dirty looks
From Loki, his brother
Except SPOILER ALERT Loki is actually a frost giant
Roses are red
Dean loves him some pie
Winchesters go hunting
And monsters will die
[Dean randomly dies in the shower again]
Roses are red
USA has no luck
Already sucks
Roses are red
#amwriting is fun
But I need time away
Out in the sun
preferably in Maui
Roses are red
My final decision:
Netflix has ruined me
For normal television
If you enjoyed that and want more, I got really into the characters part of it all and wrote a Valentine Ode to Villains. Since Valentine’s Day has upon it the stain of death and evil and whatnot. 😉
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