illustrations of depression (major trigger warning)
I’m using this post as a repository for images that resonate with me concerning depression, anxiety, fatigue, and so forth.
Who knows? There might even be happy stuff here on occasion.
But don’t expect it.
This is the darkness. Here there be dragons. And they’re not the cuddly kind.
For a long time now, this image has resonated with me the strongest. To varying degrees, this is exactly how I’ve felt for years.

Upon my counselor’s recommendation, I recently watched the movie INSIDE OUT for the first time. And then, a few days later, I watched it a second time. I’ll soon be watching it a third time, BECAUSE IT IS PERFECTION. It’s probably going to get its own full-length blogpost sometime soon. So stay tuned.
In the meantime, here’s Sadness…who has her place and her vital purpose, and whom I’m slowly learning to love as my friend.
Sadness says, “Crying helps me slow down and obsess over the weight of life’s problems.”
That’s a yes.
The 2014 film THE BABADOOK has come to mean different things to different people…but to me, it will always be The Spot-On Description of Depression (…and, now, of Grief).

From the movie:
I’ll wager with you,
I’ll make you a bet:
The more you deny,
The stronger I get.
You start to change
When I get in —
The Babadook growing
Right under your skin.
The more I deny…the more I don’t talk about depression…the less honest I am about it…the stronger it gets. And, as you can see, it’s horrific.
This one speaks to my anxiety. I’m learning that a lot of my little habits lead back to this.

More here, another time.