my light-walkers universe timeline
This post is nothing more than me geeking out over my own storyverse.
I indulged a bit a few weeks ago when I blogged about all the stories in the Light-Walker universe thus far, as well as the LW stories I have in mind for the rest of my natural life (and maybe beyond; we’ll see if I can figure out how to put stories into the world from the other side of eternity. Oooh, ALL THE HAUNTED QUILLS AND INKWELLS…).
*ahem* ‘Scuse me.
I gots a LOOOOOOOOT of detail on my in-storyverse history. I promise, even for you two die-hard Light-Walkers fans out there, these 50 pages are way more information than even you want to know.
Anyway, this time I’m going deeper into nerdery by sharing with you a portion of the timeline I’ve established throughout the LW stories. I won’t share the complete timeline here. Firstly, because it’s full of the chock of spoilers. In related news, it’s also 50 pages long. So yeah.
Thus, the abbreviated version.
If you continue reading this post but you haven’t read all of the stories, then HERE THERE BE SPOILERS.
The Light-Walkers Universe Timeline
Are you sure you want to keep reading?
I’m including dates, events, names, and story titles. All of this will relate only to already-published stories. So it’s stuff you should already have read if you’re choosing not to leave this post now!
There’s nothing more I can do for you. 😘
The Light-Walkers Universe Timeline
AA = After the Arrival
AR = After the Return
60 AA
The Witch and the Wayfarer Tree
3785 AA
Gerry arrives in Uelsaemor. (“Gateway Drug”)
3787 AA
Rafe Skelleran first enters Jiredd Stalbeleht. All but three Light-Walkers are lost to the Beyond. Raphael begins the search for the lost Light-Walkers. (The Dying of the Light; The Chronicles of Raphael)
3788 AA
Abby arrives in Uelsaemor. (“Gateway Drug”)
4122 AA
Raphael returns Asaale to Jiredd Stalbeleht. (“The Eater”)
4123 AA / 0 AR
Sister of the Sable Flame
1303 AR
Return of the Pelegrin
1334-1335 AR
The Flight of Elfled unBlessed
1337-1389 AR
The Court of the Seven
1338 AR
Quylin Flint and her ternion disappear in the Ried’e Besiad. (“Out of the Darkness”)
Rethana Chosardal becomes comor’mel to Allasin Calarasi. Meleghaine of Uelsaemor leads the Skardi in war against Jiredd Stal. Rethana and Chel Chosardal thwart Meleghaine by dissolving the Triad Gate. Death of Shaddix Falladd. (“Rethana’s Tower,” Rethana’s Surrender & Rethana’s Trial)
1356 AR
Elyria Daral-Akenath ra’Shaskalai of Kaldoril meets Ademar Sosthenes of Remnia. Elyria returns to Kaldoril and is crowned The ra’Shask. (“Oubliette”)
1357 AR
Blood Awakening
1366 AR
Siffenwinch Skilflink Is Tapped Dry
1383 AR
Embers of the North
1577 AR
Joely Puck and Cressida Raith investigate the murder of Zheni Fenwyltr in Rocalisin Fhae. Revealing of Skardi relics. (The Priestess Murders)
2311 AR
The Galbraith Folly
2321 AR
Wolf Dornsson and Lendry Bersallir arrive in Enloë Vale. (“The Elven Dead”)
And there you have it. Fifty pages of history condensed into one blogpost that makes little sense to anyone but me. Yeah, I’m totally omphaloskepsizing. But it’s my blog. I can do that. 😎😉
I would LOVE to give you more detail than this — I know this timeline is rather meager! — but that really would spoiler things beyond imagining. For now though, I promise I’ll update this chronology as I release stories out into the world!