what do you call someone who stands by these statements?
These statements are not comprehensive and are subject to revision at my whim. I frequently don’t know what I think about something until I have verbalized it either in writing or in spoken words. These statements are part of my attempt to figure out where I stand on ALL THE THINGS and how to quantify my own paradigm. I no longer know by what name to call my worldview.
These statements are me, noticing what beliefs I think I hold.
Everyone should have just what they need. No more, no less. If someone has more, then that person should share with those who have less — until everyone has enough.
Everyone deserves to be compensated equitably for their labor.
Every person has the right to do with their bodies as they see fit, as long as they are not harming the body of a separate person.
Every person has the right to practice whatever religion they choose, as long as the ideologies and practice of that religion are not harmful to others.
No religion is superior to another religion simply because it claims it is superior.
No religion has the right to expect any sort of behavior from anyone who does not belong to that religion.
When you come to a point of choosing whether or not to believe a particular thing, interrogate it:
To whom is it useful that I believe this?
Whom do I serve as I act on these beliefs?
Are they on my side?
Do I want to be on theirs?
Belief is not something a human being does. Belief is something a human being notices.
Every person has the right to speak aloud what they believe and why.
No person has the right not to experience the consequences of their choices.
Every person has the right to safety, shelter, as-close-to-healing-as-possible medical care, healthy food, clean water, and weather- and work- appropriate clothing.
Every person has the right to pursue work that is fulfilling to them and beneficial to them and to the people around them.
You should treat other people the way you want to be treated, which is: in a way that meets physical, mental, and emotional needs. This does not mean that the way you want to be treated by others is exactly the same way you should treat others. This is not a one-size-fits all situation.
No one person has greater value than any other person.
There should not exist a caste or even group of enforcers who operate under regulations that are less stringent than those for other humans.
There should not exist a caste or even group of enforcers, resistance to whom and action against whom garners greater punishment than the consequences of acting against other groups of humans.
War is an immature, juvenile inability to tarry with others in healthy conflict. Healthy conflict involves clear and honest communication, ridding self of greed and ego and compromising on non-essentials. Essentials include: every person having what they need.
In any society, the means of production should be owned and managed collectively by the community through direct democracy, voluntary association, and decentralized decision-making.
Borders are a human-generated illusion created through greed and violence and must be abolished.
Protecting Earth from the detrimental, malignant consequences of human choice must be one of the highest priorities of the human species. Whatever radical measures are necessary for healing the planet must be taken, even if it means sacrificing some of what humans consider to be technological advances.
Protecting individual humans and groups of humans from preventable disease must be one of the highest priorities of the human species, even if it means sacrificing some of what can humans consider to be freedoms and necessities. Bodily liberty can still be exercised just as radically within these potential new measures as they can without.
The collective treatment of the elderly, the young, the disabled, and their caregivers is a measure of the empathy, maturity, and wisdom of the entire human species.
The universe, our world, every single human, and everything in our existence hold within an inherent Lack: nothing in this existence will ever be perfect, Utopia does not and will never exist, and no form of society, culture, or government will ever save any of us from the Lack we feel at our core individually and collectively. The most beneficent groups of humans are and will be those who help each other sit in that Lack and accept it. The most beneficent groups of humans are and will be those who help each other, carrying each other through the devastating realization of the Lack.
The most beneficent groups of humans are and will be those in which the individuals accept that they are accepted.