Your Perusing Pleasure: #BEDAug the 1st!
For your perusing pleasure, today I offer a two-fold announcement: my latest writing project and the publication of my latest (sci-fi, “kissing book”) short story!
For your perusing pleasure, today I offer a two-fold announcement: my latest writing project and the publication of my latest (sci-fi, “kissing book”) short story!
What does “created to create” mean, anyway? Why is it important? What does it have to do with writing? Today I’m discussing how the spiritual relationship with words helps define the writing life.
A marital horror incident of epic proportions. In mine own living room. Read at your own risk.
On New Year’s Eve, I got together with some nerdy friends. We played a language game and rewrote history. Thomas Jefferson and Marie Antoinette do make a handsome couple….
You! Yes, YOU! Diligent, lovely reader of my blog! I have an opportunity for you. Trust me, you don’t wanna miss this.
It’s a Kickstarter.
What’s a Kickstarter?
You know what to do to find out. ; )
Hello, my lovelies. In case you hadn’t noticed, I spent November firmly and happily ensconced in this year’s National Novel Writing Month, abbreviated to NaNoWriMo for your convenience. NaNoWriMo is the manic, overcaffeinated, unpaid, underslept, head-desking, face-palming, keyboard-hammering, plot-bunnying, ninja-zombieing, annual November endeavor of hundreds of thousands of writers world-wide, each writing their own 50,000-word …
If you like fantasy art, and if you like dragons, and if you like the idea of fantasy cover art with dragons painted by me, then this post is definitely for you. ; )
Dear inklings, it is National Novel Writing Month! and I have a couple thousand more words to pound out tonight. So, without further ado or adon’t, here is a top ten list to entertain you!
My dear inklings, I realized I’ve been remiss in sharing my writing music with you. So, without further ado or adon’t, here are my playlists for the first two novels in the Demons of Saltmarch Series, as well as characters and scenes the music inspired….
I grew up in the German city of Darmstadt, which literally translates to “Bowel City,” which I choose to render as “Bowel Town” because it sounds funnier. My first home in Darmstadt was an apartment building at Roßdörferstraße 55, which loosely translates to “Horse-Village Street” — I swear I am not making this up…