5 Easy Ways To Get Your Blog Noticed
This blog went live six weeks ago — today! — and since it went live, I’ve learned stuff. Specifially, I’ve learned stuff about getting my blog noticed. Here are 5 Easy Ways you can get yours noticed, too!
This blog went live six weeks ago — today! — and since it went live, I’ve learned stuff. Specifially, I’ve learned stuff about getting my blog noticed. Here are 5 Easy Ways you can get yours noticed, too!
As of this past Monday night, I’ve finished Draft 2 of Stains of Grace.
When I write the first draft of a novel, I pound out the manuscript as coherently and quickly as I can. I started pre-writing for Stains of Grace on October 1, 2010; started writing on November 1, 2010; and typed “The End” on February 10, 2011. That’s the fastest I’ve ever finished a first draft in my life…
The first draft of the unfortunately untitled Demons 3 HAS A WORKING TITLE. I repeat: I HAVE A WORKING TITLE.
Which side of my brain do I access during which parts of the writing process? Left side for outlines, character description, plot arcs, planning chapters scene-by-scene? Right side for writing the rough draft and letting the story flow? Writing the first draft requires me to follow my heart and let my characters get into trouble…
You’ve made this commitment to laying your naked soul on a sacrificial altar for the world, what really kicks you in the gut is when the novel, this lifeblood-spilling work, just refuses to go anywhere. Here are a few reasons why that screeching halt happens — and a few hints on what to do about it.
Readers Dearests, I am so excited! Today, I started writing the climax to my eighth novel, the unfortunately untitled Demons 3! If you’ve been paying attention (which I know you have, you sweet, observant things, you), you know that Demons 3 is the third in a YA paranormal trilogy. The first is Colors of Deception, …
In “The Artist’s Way,” Julia Cameron talks about “touchstones.” My touchstones are tangibles that resonate with the intangible in me. My touchstones are physical representations of aspects of my soul. And lest I digress into some new-agey, psycho-spiritual ramble, here’s an excerpt from a list I made a few years ago…
Dear Readers, We interrupt our regularly scheduled bloggramming to bring you the following News Bulletin, which I just added as an addendum to my About page: The publishing date for my YA paranormal novel COLORS OF DECEPTION has been moved up to April 2011! I’ll keep you posted on how the process progresses, dear readers …
My spammers think I’m a customer, and they think I’m a customer who’s simply jonesing for their products. They offer me all sorts of peculiarities. They shake their wares beneath my nose and assume that the pleasing aroma of a great deal is just too delicious for me to resist. They think they know me, and they think they know exactly what I want…
I feel as though I’ve spent most of my life in a desperate search for air and light and time and space. Most of the time, I haven’t even been aware of what I was seeking…but now, I look back at certain hard times in my life, and I find myself nodding in wry understanding. “Oh. I see now. That’s what that was…”