Fantasy/Sci-Fi Resource: Ent Larva and Dances With Testicles
Today, I’m offering you some free writing inspiration courtesy of incorrectly translated German. We’ve got testicle dances, tar birds, and elves made of ice. Come and see!
Today, I’m offering you some free writing inspiration courtesy of incorrectly translated German. We’ve got testicle dances, tar birds, and elves made of ice. Come and see!
Examining stupidity in marriage.
I’m using my blog as a lab again, this time in connection with Twitter. What if I blogged a day’s worth of tweets? Come see the oddity that ensued!
Today, I bring you a free short story, posted in its entirety on my blog. Come and read!
So, apparently, WordPress hasn’t been sending me notification emails for comments. I don’t know why.
Thank-you to all of you who’ve commented recently! I’m working on getting my notifications fixed so that I’ll actually find out that you commented the next time you comment. ; ) In the meantime, I will try to answer comments as soon as possible.
Keep readin’! : )
Some horror and sci-fi writing prompts from best-selling sci-fi author Tony Healey. I’ve highlighted and commented on a few of my favorites!
A DAY IN THE WRITING LIFE OF COURTNEY, back when I still had a daily Writing Life. Enjoy, mourn, and rejoice with me, O thou hapless, lovely reader.
Some lady called me a “hobbyist writer.” I have a few things to say about that.
Best-selling Far From Home Series author Tony Healey has put out a call for short stories. He’s publishing an anthology for charity in November and is taking submissions in speculative fiction, horror, and sci-fi. Here are the details from Tony himself: TITLE: TO BE DECIDED AGENDA: Charity anthology of Speculative / Horror / SF short …
Today I bring you three of my favorite short poems by other people. One is silly, one is thought-provoking, and one means whatever you want it to. Enjoy.