Should a Novel Have a Prologue?
Today on Unstressed Syllables, whether or not writers should start off their novels with a prologue. I bet you lovely people have some opinions on that…. ; )
Today on Unstressed Syllables, whether or not writers should start off their novels with a prologue. I bet you lovely people have some opinions on that…. ; )
I possess more than just vorpal unicorn morphing powers. Just wait ’til you see what I can do with my socks.
WELCOME…to the world of Schadenfreude unicorns and acid.
Today’s post is for all you fabulous writers out there. Ready to dive into penning your novel? Check out my ponderings on how to get a grip on what your story is actually about and how that focus will keep you writing even when — especially when — you get stuck.
Greetings, my beloved inklings! It’s been a while since you’ve heard from me here. I mean, yeah, I’ve been posting something every week or so, but those recent posts haven’t had a lot of meat to them. I know. What can I say? The reason for my silence is also the originator of this post’s …
Huzzah! My weekly guest post at is live. This week, it’s all about that terrifying concept known as “be prepared.” (*gasp*) Come and see!
Announcing my new guest blogging column over at writing advice site Unstressed Syllables!
In which I make a connection between Groundhog Day and Lord of the Rings, then try to explain my nerdery to my husband.
A brief post in which my main character hijacks my work-in-progress and maternal hijinks ensue.
All new writing advice — some of it by Yours Writerly — coming soon!