We Must Disenthrall Ourselves
Politics annoy me. I usually don’t talk about them. Today, I’m talking about them. I’m probably going to offend someone, so read at your own risk. ;o)
Politics annoy me. I usually don’t talk about them. Today, I’m talking about them. I’m probably going to offend someone, so read at your own risk. ;o)
Hey, writer friends! Wanna kill off one of your characters? I’m murdering one of mine, and today I’m sharing with you how you can do it, too!
Via Google Analytics, I get to see which Google searches lead visitors to my blog. Here are a few of my recent favorite keywords…along with an original poem about my vacuum cleaner….
Anybody else out there a compulsive doodler? Me, I can’t listen well without a pen in my hand. Here’s a great video on learning through doodling, as well as some shots of my own random doodles!
Once upon a time, busyness and pregnancy exhaustion got me today…..
In this episode of Courtney’s Brain Does Odd Things, I discuss with the husband what we’re really going to miss after the zombie apocalypse.
Today I’m showcasing two poems that speak to me in regard to spreading joy and light throughout the world around me instead of spreading negativity and darkness. These are not soundbytes, flippant remarks, or 140-character snippets….
As time goes on, I watch the attitude of the masses with growing concern. When did pithiest and snarkiest and most cynical become the ideal to which we should all aspire? It seems like if you don’t infuse your every word with the utmost of sarcasm, then you’re not worth listening to….
For your perusing pleasure, today I offer a two-fold announcement: my latest writing project and the publication of my latest (sci-fi, “kissing book”) short story!
In August, I shall attempt to blog every day. Because I am a crazy person. Come find out what led to this momentous decision!