The One Where I Paint Dragons
If you like fantasy art, and if you like dragons, and if you like the idea of fantasy cover art with dragons painted by me, then this post is definitely for you. ; )
If you like fantasy art, and if you like dragons, and if you like the idea of fantasy cover art with dragons painted by me, then this post is definitely for you. ; )
So, when I mentioned earlier today that Tony Healey at was gonna post an interview with me “tomorrow,” I was thinking of “tomorrow” in terms of *my* time zone.
Tony, however, is not in my time zone. Tony dwells far, far away in a land called “United Kingdom” — which, of course, means that he’s a couple+ hours ahead of me.
As a lifelong expat-turned-repat-turned-expat-turned-repat, not to mention as an adult TCK*, I really should’ve remembered that.
All of this is to say that, because in his world, it is already November 16th, Tony’s interview with me has gone live, and you can click this link to read it. Bangerang. Comments are, as always, most welcome (and encouraged!). ; )
*TCK = Third Culture Kid. Someday, I shall explain this in-depth. For now, suffice it to say that I am an adult one of these, and it makes me cramazingly crazy sometimes.
Kindle All-Stars El Presidente Bernard Schaffer calls us indie authors “the punk rock of literature.” My fellow punk rocker, Tony Healey, has conducted interviews with the rest of the troupe, so that you, my dear inklings, can get to know us all better….
“Did you ever walk into circumstances and come out with a lot more than you bargained for?” Yes. ; ) Here’s the story….
I had decided not to write about the child rape incident at Penn State. I had decided that I would put out a few links on Twitter and Facebook, briefly state my opinion, stop reading news articles, and turn my attention to happier things in order to preserve my sanity. But I can’t. My heart hurts too much, and for this moment, I cannot look away.
We all need frequent reminders to stop and pay attention to the little things that infuse small threads of joy into our hearts. Those threads wind and bind together until they form a powerful net of joy that catches the negatives of life….
Thought of the Day: To get what you want, you’re going to have to change. You can’t keep doing just what you’re doing and expect to achieve a final destination that’s not at the end of your current path. You know what your current path is and what it leads to. …
Dear inklings, it is National Novel Writing Month! and I have a couple thousand more words to pound out tonight. So, without further ado or adon’t, here is a top ten list to entertain you!
Around Christmas of this year, I shall have a story in the SAME short story collection as HARLAN ELLISON and ALAN DEAN FOSTER. As my friend Josh (who’s gonna have a story in the same collection) says, “This is what we in the business call a pretty big deal.”
a few days ago I was tooling around in Google Analytics again, and I thought to myself, “Self, you really should write another blog post about keywords again, because that was just rockin’ awesome fun,” and myself replied, “Heck YEAH.”
So. Here are a few recent keyword phrases that have led people to my blog. Some of them make sense. Some of them, like haiku about refigerators*, do not….