The One Where I Get Interviewed for #KindleAllStars
So, when I mentioned earlier today that Tony Healey at was gonna post an interview with me “tomorrow,” I was thinking of “tomorrow” in terms of *my* time zone.
Tony, however, is not in my time zone. Tony dwells far, far away in a land called “United Kingdom” — which, of course, means that he’s a couple+ hours ahead of me.
As a lifelong expat-turned-repat-turned-expat-turned-repat, not to mention as an adult TCK*, I really should’ve remembered that.
All of this is to say that, because in his world, it is already November 16th, Tony’s interview with me has gone live, and you can click this link to read it. Bangerang. Comments are, as always, most welcome (and encouraged!). ; )
*TCK = Third Culture Kid. Someday, I shall explain this in-depth. For now, suffice it to say that I am an adult one of these, and it makes me cramazingly crazy sometimes.