Confessing My Creative Sins, Pt. 2.5
Today, I thought that I would move on to Part 3 of my Confessions, but as I sit down to write, I find that it cannot yet be so. I need to dig a little deeper and give account…
Today, I thought that I would move on to Part 3 of my Confessions, but as I sit down to write, I find that it cannot yet be so. I need to dig a little deeper and give account…
I have a weekly column called “What I Learned About Writing This Week” on my friend Aaron Pogue’s blog.
Now, I must needs pick up a different thread and follow that into the creative tangle. That thread, my darlings, is the religious one.
Over time, I developed a view of God that ate away at my soul like a ravaging disease. Somehow, I came to believe that the only way I could make God happy was to sacrifice whatever I held most dear about myself. And, of course, what I prized most about myself was my creativity…
Most darlingest readers, from the feedback you’ve given me on Tuesday’s post, I see that it struck a chord with many of you. On one hand, I’m glad to know that, as it tells me I’m doing some good by embarking upon this journey of creative confession. On the other hand, I’m sad to know that my “Confessions” resonate with you, because I know it means you’ve suffered through your own creative shackles…
As a large, flippered, marine mammal once said, the time has come to talk of other things. But these aren’t easy things like shoes and sealing wax, dear readers. These are hard things, and they’re things it hurts me to talk about. I need to talk about them…but the telling comes with a painful price. …
If you know me in real life at all, you know all too well my penchant for scatterbrainedness. Most of the time, I can focus. Most of the time, I know FAR in advance what I want to do. I don’t necessarily live by a schedule — but I do know how I want my day to progress. And I get squirmy if I plan things and then don’t get them done. On the other hand, there are days like today…
This blog went live six weeks ago — today! — and since it went live, I’ve learned stuff. Specifially, I’ve learned stuff about getting my blog noticed. Here are 5 Easy Ways you can get yours noticed, too!
As of this past Monday night, I’ve finished Draft 2 of Stains of Grace.
When I write the first draft of a novel, I pound out the manuscript as coherently and quickly as I can. I started pre-writing for Stains of Grace on October 1, 2010; started writing on November 1, 2010; and typed “The End” on February 10, 2011. That’s the fastest I’ve ever finished a first draft in my life…
Last week, my dearest, most darlingest readers, I wrote about my right brain’s sometime conflict with my left brain. I used examples from my sordidly disorganized past, juxtaposed (ooh! big word!) with tales from my less messy present, to show that somehow, the two sides of my brain are learning to work together. Pondering this …
The first draft of the unfortunately untitled Demons 3 HAS A WORKING TITLE. I repeat: I HAVE A WORKING TITLE.