Map of the Known Lands
This map depicts the Known Lands of the Light-Walkers Universe as of 1335 A.R. (After the Return).Please click to enlarge!
This map depicts the Known Lands of the Light-Walkers Universe as of 1335 A.R. (After the Return).Please click to enlarge!
And would you believe, I’ve been too busy with the next one to post about the one I spent almost all the second half of 2022 on? That was an absolutely terrible sentence, and as a writer, I should know better. But I don’t care. I GOT THE BOOK DONE. After a title change. HA …
That’s it. That’s the title. A “scend” is the surge created by a wave, which is doubly fun because this novel is set in a landlocked country. *laughs in maniacal confused* As you might already know, my current project is to take my first two Light-Walker novels, Rethana’s Surrender and Rethana’s Trial, and squoosh them …
For what I want to do, I do not do…. That’s an incomplete and out-of-context quote from a 1st-century Roman Jew named Paulus. But it fits. At the very least, it speaks to an insolvable aspect of the human condition. We so often know what good we need to do but can’t get ourselves to …
BRIEF: finished my Breakfast Club meets Magicians novel first draft. Clocked in at just under 50k words, which makes it more of a novella. Next draft will likely push it into novel territory, but that’s at least 6 months away while I do other stuff. OTHER STUFF: I’ve always regretted splitting Rethana’s story into two …
Since my social media vacay apparently has catapulted me into random-abundant-blogging mode, and since I have books on the brain (HA HA BUSINESS AS USUAL AMIRITE), here are the titles and statuses? stati? of my finished…um…”finished” novels. Egad, I bet ya’ll thought that sentence would never end. (BUT I HAVE A MILLION OF THEM OH …
In case you hadn’t noticed, I’ve been rather absent from my blog for the last two months. This is due to writing, a golden anniversary, and plot-pantsing — which, according to Google, I just made up. BANGERANG. So come find out about that! Also, there’s a blog-hop.
My first fantasy novel, Rethana’s Surrender, is currently available for FREE! Come and see!
My latest novel, RETHANA’S TRIAL, is officially published! Come see!
Since I’ve been posting on so much various and sundry of late, I thought it well to pen for you a few whats concerning writing today. Specifically, we’ll be discussing what to do when you find that your novel is too short. This is also by way of an update on my own Writing Life….