Dragon Vs. Turkey, Death by Hamster, and Writing Advice
This post heralds my return to blogging after a month-long hiatus. Also, hamster make-outs, scrambled felines, and writing advice.
This post heralds my return to blogging after a month-long hiatus. Also, hamster make-outs, scrambled felines, and writing advice.
A brief dialogue concerning Westboro Baptist Church.
Worms, oceans, and sharp teeth. I don’t know why.
In celebration of National Poetry Month — which is NOW, if you must know — fabulous Edinatrix Laurie Laliberte is hosting a Poetry Slam on her blog. Today, she happens to be featuring a poem by Yours Writerly…..
My weekly article for UnstressedSyllables.com is up, and it’s all about figuring out the Ideal Reader for your story: who she is, why she is, and how she’s absolutely vital to your writing process. Also, a brief discourse on the pitfalls of writing outside the home. Come and see!
Hile, you lovely people! With no more preamble than what you’re reading RIGHT THIS INSTANT, here’s a quick run-down of Courtney’s Recent Life (includes painting, witch doctors, and the Harlem Globetrotters)….
As I mentioned last week, my brain is rather thoroughly occupied with keeping the small human alive and healthy and content (actually, I used the word “happy,” but I think I really meant “content,” and no, I don’t think the two are interchangeable, but that’s another story and shall be told another time), so The …
Here’s why I haven’t been writing lately. And here’s what I’ve written lately. Don’t worry if this elicits some cognitive dissonance; they tell me that chocolate cures it.
Today on Unstressed Syllables, whether or not writers should start off their novels with a prologue. I bet you lovely people have some opinions on that…. ; )